Spirituality, Grace, & Travelling

I have started travelling the world. The above picture was taken while I was in Scotland. It is an odd thing to be blessed, odder still to be given such an opportunity.

Even though I have just started the experiences I am having are giving me an insight that I don’t think I would of arrived at if I had chosen security over The Flow. My decision to want to travel I knew was a requirement in my life if I wished to practice what I preached.

The biggest insight I had was that the most powerful force in the world is not necessarily love, but grace. Love is simply a product of grace. Grace can be conducted as a choice in the presence of all emotion including anger and hate. You can absolutely hate someone but choose to treat them with grace. Everything in the world could go wrong in your life and the universe could owe you an infinite debt and you can still choose to make the debt even larger with selflessness.

I am slowly also starting to understand the reality mask which is the state most of us live our lives in. There will be moments in our lives where we feel like we are connected with the universe and then we slip on the proverbial life banana which crashes us back into reality and makes us question our previous experiences.

The objective for us all should be to leave the reality mask which does nothing but force us to live a life of bedlam. To feel connected is far superior than feeling isolated and common.

3 thoughts on “Spirituality, Grace, & Travelling

  1. Moritz

    Very interesting thoughts. I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time exploring the world with this mindset! Btw: Keep on taking such amazing pictures 😉


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