Tag Archives: H+

The Three Phases

When I talk about human progress and ultimately the idea of ascending I may write things that seem to be in conflict with each other but in reality I am discussing things at different stages in the process. Absolution of emotion and the development of new ways of feeling are a very late idea but at the current time emotion is necessary to guide us through the world of the corporeal. This distinction not only applies to my own beliefs but to the world at large. Long Term goals may not necessarily match short term goals or initial goals may be simply stepping stones for new ideas or objectives.

Generally speaking when I discuss things within reality such as managing emotions, motivation, and physical objectives I am talking about short term goals. When I am talking about things that are outside our current reality, I am discussing long term goals. An example would be me discussing human population of other planets versus moving past emotion. Since long vs short is highly relative and contextual, I will begin tagging what I consider short term goals to be first phase, intermediary goals to be second phase, and finally late goals to be third phase.

First Phase
This phase is the current phase we are in and the changes we can make are mostly social in nature. These changes can include political and economic changes. The changes we make in this phase will set us up to move into all other phases as smoothly as possible. Incorrect setup now could lead to some less then preferential circumstances in the future.

Second Phase
This phase will include technologies that will fundamentally change the human condition. These technologies are already in research or development and include nano technology, no cost manufacturing or item creation, and hyper biological advances such as the cure for aging, cancer, etc.. Finally, late second phase will include things like advanced space travel and human colonization of other planets. The things in this phase can be considered post humanism or broadly the H+ movement.

Third Phase
This phase is post post humanism or as I will call it H++. What the third phase truly is will not be readily visible to us until late second phase. The idea is that we will start progressing towards the concept of Elolight and there will be a separation of our physical selves and our consciousness. This detachment may ultimately lead to the discovery of new senses, emotions, and feelings. Furthermore, concepts such as our notions of good and evil will rapidly become completely irrelevant as scarcity will no longer be of any issue.

Instantaneous Education

20120421-003745.jpgWe spend at a minimum 15 to 25% of our time on this planet learning things that we already collectively know as a race. Over time we have created better and faster mechanism for data assimilation and transfer through things like books and standardized education, however, this is a serious problem because not only does education take such a large portion of our life away, the fact that we don’t all collectively have the same core knowledge functions, such as math, makes the knowledge spread inconsistent and unfair.

Worse still, education poses a serious financial burden not only on the governments that support it but also because of lost productivity and lost income of society as a whole. Now governments should not cancel education and in fact doing such a thing would completely destroy any opportunity for Elolight which is at the core of all my beliefs but we must figure out a better way to transfer knowledge.

It is very important that we set a moral precedent that predefined or instantaneous education is restricted to core literacies and history only.

When a company has an expense margin one of the primary ways to try and reduce it is through increasing efficiency. This is step #1 to reducing the expense of education to society; we must do everything in our power to make it more efficient. We can easily evaluate how good our education system is by how quickly the average child can learn something. Right now our systems required an ungodly amount of patience and, despite major advances in interactive, education through the class room still seems to be the most efficient and this is rather tragic because it has been this way for so long.

There are a lot of fictional possibilities out there such as brain flashing where we could create and store data by turing the right neurons on and off. We could also possibly modify children at the genetic level before they are born to extend their instinctual pre-existing knowledge of function with things like math and reading literacy. There is a concern with all of these possibilities and that is that humans could be given specific education to make them more likely to choose certain philosophical beliefs. It is very important that we set a moral precedent that predefined or instantaneous education is restricted to core literacies and history only because otherwise we may find ourselves building a very inflexible and motivated army.

Perception Convergence

In an interesting article on CNN today, perception was discussed and how easily it can be modified by context. In a much earlier post I pondered perception and gave an example of perception modification that was brought on by physical strain. Imagination and perception can be great and wonderful things, most of the time but it can also lead to reverse motion destructive conflict. As Architects we don’t necessarily want to stop conflict, because conflict can put people into The Flow, which when resolved can lead to evolution and progression. We do however want to limit destructive conflicts that can reverse work that has already been done.

Our alternate perceptions emerged as an extension of our need to survive and as a bi-product of our evolution. The way we perceive the world might be completely different then the way our ancestors saw the world but it is really impossible to know. Our only hope is that through technology we can start to bridge the gap in a meaningful way and create mechanisms to start gaining psychic integration with one another. This is not to say we should eliminate alternate perceptions as a means to form a singularity, Elolight is not a singularity, instead we must create the technology so that we can gain insight into another’s perception of reality.

We must create the technology so that we can gain insight into another’s perception of reality.

A goal of Elolight will always be to help converge human perception. We already have certain characteristics that make this some what possible such as empathy but the fact that we cannot literally see through another persons eyes, both literally and metaphorically (feeling what they feel), creates great hurdles for Elolight attainment. No where can this be witnessed more then in a debate of a convicted Christian versus a convicted Muslim. They will both argue aggressively and both, whether they admit it to themselves or not, truly believes that if the other person knew the way they felt or knew what they knew, their opponent would change their minds. The reality is that both actually feel the same in both conviction and intensity but their lack of perceptional insight makes it impossible for them to realize this. As Architects we can try to shift their perceptions but it may be completely useless and the only thing we can really do in the above case is to prevent destructive conflict (stop them from killing each other).

Robotic Automation (Kiva)

In my post about Humans & Physical Labor I discussed that the need for human physical labor was declining. Amazon has announced that it will be acquiring a company named Kiva for 750 million. Now usually the idea of talking about fulfillment and warehouses would usually be pretty boring but this is far from it. Check out this video below and wait till about the 25 second mark.

As impressive as this is, this is only the first step in what will eventually be an almost completely automated process. From here, packages could then be loaded on to automated trucks which could then make their way to their various destinations with near surgical precision. This does beg the question though, can a human economy be sustained if rudimentary jobs keep getting replaced by Robots or will it require a fundamental rethinking of not only the human economy, but the human condition as well.

A Fundamental Change

One thing we can be sure of is that what is true today was not true 200 years ago. Imagine travelling to the past and telling someone we will be able to send messages at the speed of light or travel rapidly around the world via airplanes. It is interesting to note that our reality is starting to outpace previous science fiction; video feeds were always shown as broken and crackling yet we are now getting to the point where video streams are crystal clear. For the most part we have naturalized to all this technology. However a large change is coming that will affect the human race in more fundamental ways then any previous technology.

Imagine that one day you wake up and looking at your car you decide you want to try a Lamborghini today, so  you press a button and your car dissembles and reassembles at the atomic level right in front of you. We are rapidly approaching a time where scarcity, a fundamental motivator for choice, will no longer exist. We will be able to change anything into anything and the question will no longer be what you want but what you can imagine. Molecular Nanotechnology is on its way there and while it might sound crazy to us now, our future selves will know it to be possible.

Every choice a human makes involves the concept of scarcity which is the fact that you can never have unlimited resources and even if you did, you would lack the resource of time. As we approach changing manufacturing and eliminating aging what we choose to do in life will be very different then what we choose now and this will be a critical learning period for Elolight.

An Improved Sunset

I believe we have all had that moment we consider to be perfect when the temperature is right, you’re in an interesting area, and the entire universe feels like it was designed for you and you just bask in the beauty of it all.

We tend to believe that it is as good as it gets right now.

When we view the world we tend to believe that it is as good as it gets right now. We can look in the past and say, “how did they ever get around on just horses? Cars are so much superior!” However before cars were invented horses would of been the best technology around and no one really questioned it. In the same way Google has a car that has driven over 200,000 miles by itself without a driver which could very well be the future of transportation and we might soon be asking ourselves why we ever supported a system of manual driving in the first place where so many people died everyday. If everyday you viewed a sunset where one of your senses were removed the sunset would increasingly become less fantastic. If you kept all your senses, but instead there was psychological limitations implemented such as the removal of a colour or light spectrum, again the sunset would become less interesting.

There is so much we don’t see. As we evolve and ascend through either biological or technological means we will come to realize that the things we see right now and hold to be beautiful are only a micro-fraction of reality.

Humans & Physical Labor

In a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley saw a world made up of two different castes. The ‘Alpha’ caste was the higher level caste capable of full mental function, and the lower caste ‘Beta’ was designed to do manual labor. While the ideas were compelling for the time things are happening now that Alduous simply could have not known about. The first is the idea that there would be a need for a Beta class at all, what we consider a beta class now is rapidly being replaced by automated labor such as robots. This makes the idea of artificially reducing human intelligence, to gain a working class, an absurdity of the highest order. Further, the society he defined is actually very similar to our society where intelligence is rated by educational institutions and then you’re slotted into a job by organic and environmental means.

In pursuing Elolight a moral standard should be that we never allow human intelligence to be artificially down graded. Doing such a thing would be disastrous for the human race, it would completely stop our evolution and move us backwards. In fact every effort should be made to do the opposite, we should strive towards allowing everyone to become a rocket scientist and slowly migrate all of our manual processes to robots. There is a complete separate discussion that can be had regarding artificial intelligence, but we need to focus on what is the most important thing for the human race at the current time and that is Elolight.

“A moral standard should be that we never allow human intelligence to be artificially down graded”

However, as we move manual processes to robots this will introduce new problems which the Architects will need to discover solutions for. If work is migrated to the automatic this reduces the human’s value as a creature of physical labor and the concept that every man must have a job to survive will be threatened.

The Architects

As you live you will often hear of people dead or alive that help change the world in fundamental ways. I define Elolight Architects as anyone that is helping ascend the world. However an Architect isn’t necessarily good. Hitler was a consequential negative architect by forcing the entire world into The Flow, but evolving through painful means such as war can be a very slow process. A true Architect is one that first and foremost encourages forward human motion in the most positive way possible and in doing so moves the entire human race towards Elolight in as rapid a way as possible.

The positive Architect doesn’t necessarily adhere to any specific belief system, instead, their focus is on the utility of beliefs. They help people move in and out of The Flow when they innovate or help change the entire direction of their life or the life of others. Above all else the Architect recognizes that the purpose of human life is to evolve and ultimately ascend and they embrace the fact that this is part of their essence. Even if they try to escape their purpose, they are playing their role in moving the human race forward. They are not restricted to the methods of any particular time frame, however, they embrace that the future is where our ultimate objective is and therefore favors modern methods and are constantly looking for ways to evolve the human race directly. In addition, the Architect tackles the moral issues arising from the emergence of new technologies and comprehensions to figure out the best methods to make them comply and work with Elolight.

The quality and production of a positive architect varies greatly, from a child who stops bullying of another to the researcher who is figuring out ways to regrow organs. Over the next few weeks I will post profiles of both major and minor positive Architects that I feel are helping take the world to the next level.

Spirituality and Technology

Being at SXSW (south by southwest) there is an energy in the air but the last thing you will hear anyone talk about is spirituality. Yet the internet is a very spiritual concept. The fact that you can connect and interface with the world is what mystics loved to talk about, and now that we are starting to do it, it is almost as if people are scared to say that technology has spiritual consequences.

Technolology is required for ascension and evolution. This includes the spiritual evolution which we are witnessing by means of the internet. We cannot reach Elolight by a simple psychological function it requires a physical change as well.