Tag Archives: Opposing Views

Changing The World

There is a deep rooted desire in nearly everyone to change the world. It would be nice to think that this desire was rooted in some deep rooted need to evolve but the reality is it is not. The people that usually have this desire the strongest, on average, are really only wanting to change their personal world and by this they wish to change the world so that they can improve their own lives or maintain the life they have always lived.

When we talk about real change what we are talking about is disruption. It’s ideas so great that it can scare people, ideas that take significant risk to proclaim. Looking at religious figures such as Jesus or even Muhammad of Islam they achieved change not by pleasing everyone but instead challenging everything. They burned bridges with those that did not fit in with their world view regardless of how popular or unpopular it would make them. Many times people follow something that they believe is fundamentally different or world changing but are actually adhering to beliefs or ethics to satisfy some form of socioeconomic gain.

The view of changing the world is used often by politicians to manipulate the masses. They will say things like, “what I do doesn’t make me popular” when in actuality what they are doing is preferred by the majority and not the minority. Their majority will then feel emboldened believing they are doing something exceptional by siding with a “rogue” leader when in actuality they are merely playing into the hands of the politician. If a politician truly did a true change it would be equally hated by everyone and if their change managed to get success they would then gain fanatical believers.

15% of the US population could not read this blog post.

If politicians don’t orchestrate manipulative events to try and get votes they are merely popularity puppets entertaining a some what average populous who is trying to find every minor defect outside of issues to try and validate a single human’s ability to be a leader. The political state of the world is something that needs to be fundamentally changed. Why radical ideas can be cancerous, complete lack of radical ideas will get us no where. Popular ideas are concerned with superfluous things that do not transcend a person’s life such as paying the bills. America is so obsessed with paying bills that they can not see that the entire foundation of their country is rotting because nearly 15% of their population cannot even read this blog post. It doesn’t matter what social policies you have or tax rates you have on the rich when your entire population is getting dumber. This is not progress.

We must become obsessed with things beyond ourselves in order to get real and true change. There will always be hardships and bills to pay until we truly scare ourselves with new thinking.

Fighting Nature

Ants, my favorite insect, have been known to build very large and impressive nests. Hypothetically, if ants could get to the point where they could regularly build sky scrapers, would we look at ants and call them unnatural? Only with humans do you have such a level of arrogance that we believe the things we make are outside the scope of nature. Some humans go to great lengths to defend primitive nature, sometimes even going as far as putting their own lives on the line to do so, but not only is this wrong, but the value of what people call “natural” is relative to where we are at as a human race.

If we as humans don’t make ourselves the #1 priority there is no value to the universe and every creature that has died, or will die, in the process we have identified as evolution has died in vain.

Nature doesn’t exist to exist in some kind of harmonious nonfluctuating state, it also doesn’t exist to support us in particular and we don’t exist to support it either. Nature exists for one reason and this is to promote evolution and progression. If it wasn’t meant to do this, simply put, we would not exist. Cities are are our forest. While I am aware that my views of this will not be popular with many, there are some very important delusions I must point out regarding nature.

1.  Nature is Peaceful
When strolling through man made parks we get a skewed view of what nature is actually like. If you believe that humanity is so bad with our murders, you haven’t seen murder on a larger scale until you enter a rain forest. If you’re any creature in a rain forest (heck even if you’re a human) you’re death by murder is around 50%+, so that means you will likely be killed for food or defense by another creature if you’re living there.

2. Nature is Efficient
Trees while the best mechanism we have right now for cleaning the air, and creating oxygen (and really one of the primary reasons we want to defend primitive nature) are horribly horribly inefficient. If they were actually good at their jobs, we wouldn’t need a ton of them, and Global warming wouldn’t be an issue. Tree’s weren’t designed to support us, instead they were designed to feed off us. In fact, using technology we are coming up with better and more efficient ways to not only clean the air but also create oxygen. However, that said, clear cutting down forests wouldn’t be suggested since we don’t have such systems implemented yet.

3. Humans are “unnatural”
We are completely natural, everything we do and all of our inventions are made in this universe. To believe our cities are doing some kind of disservice to the world is an illusion of arrogance; that we are some how outside the scope of reality. Imagine for a moment that you are an ultra advanced entity that is living in an ecosystem that we can barely fathom right now and you looked at the human race. Not only would you see a mix of forests and cities, but you also wouldn’t point to one and say that forest is nature and that city is not. In the same way we wouldn’t point at an ant nest and say that’s no longer nature.

Protecting primitive nature is important because it provides us a significant amount of resources, however, trying to create sustainable solutions that some how have to work with primitive creatures and plants is a waste of time if we can create our own ecological systems that are sustainable and benefit us directly. We should not focus on trying to make things work with what is already here if it is too difficult. If tomorrow all the humans died off because of a nuclear war, nature would come back, because that is nature. There is no guarantee that any of those creatures that come back will have any form of compassion at all, or ever even have the possibility of exploring space or creating universes like we currently do.

If we as humans don’t make ourselves the #1 priority there is no value to the universe and every creature that has died, or will die, in the process we have identified as evolution has died in vain.

Pope’s Godless Technology

The pope came out with a statement that “Godless Technology is Dangerous”. While I believe that religion is a huge hurdle to Elolight, he is actually half right. The reason he is partially right is because we are starting to get to a point where technology is going to have critical implications on the human condition. This really wasn’t an issue before because everything we have created to date has just made things more efficient and did not necessarily threaten core understandings we have always had.

Now we are looking at things like life extension, spontaneous material creation, and cloning. Humans are always born from a mother, live, and then die but now these concepts are being seriously threatened. The reason the pope is half right is because if we are developing technology with out a goal, that can be dangerous. If we are innovating and creating simply for the sake of doing it we could find ourselves in a very bad place, very quickly.

If we are innovating and creating simply for the sake of doing it we could find ourselves in a very bad place, very quickly.

The idea of Elolight is not to inspire religious or ritualistic behavior but instead it is discovering our drives as humanity and applying it in a practical way so that we can figure out what we are going to do moving forward. There is ultimately two ways we can move forward, the first is with reckless abandon. We develop and innovate and hope everything works out but there is a good chance that we will develop something that we don’t know how to handle as a society. The other option is we start talking about these things now and getting laws passed proactively that insures technology develops in a predictable and useful way instead of leaving us yearning for the dark ages.

Insidious Scientology

Most people have heard of Scientology. Anonymous has made it a target and Tom Cruise made a popular video regarding it. Scientology as an organization is incredibly aggressive in not only marketing but also image protection (through copyrights etc..). Most of the religious mainstream shrug it off simply as a cult but what Scientology is doing is far more insidious then most people realize. It is true they have crazy beliefs but mythical beliefs span back thousands of years and people believed whole heartily at those given times that the prevailing myths were true, but that is not what makes Scientology dangerous. What makes Scientology dangerous is that they are taking human advances, adding a mythical wrapper to them, and then reselling it to the people as something new.

“Allowing any organization to take credit for natural advances in human evolution is incredibly dangerous.”

They have taken a practice such as psychology and converted it to a religious one. They have you talk about your problems and when you feel better afterwards they attribute it to their myths. They provide fitness rooms and when you feel better afterwards they attribute it to their myths. They are pulling things out of science, embracing the implications, and then reworking them to make it valuable to their corporation. This is a direct threat to Ascension and moving to the next level of the human race and Scientology could potentially be the next biggest threat to Science and Evolution.

Not only that, this is a belief that fundamentally rejects their own creed which states that all men should be able to have conflicting opinions yet Scientology constantly has content pulled from YouTube which they do not agree with. Their marketing is phenomenal rivaling every other religion and this makes them very dangerous. It makes no sense to funnel money into any organization for the sole purpose of human improvement when what is being offered already exists for free. This is worth saying again, the things Scientology offers to improve yourself for a cost can be obtained for free or at a significantly reduced cost. Allowing any organization to take credit for natural advances in human evolution is incredibly dangerous. An organization’s survival is mechanical and can easily discount the survival of its members for the sake of the group especially if the directive of the organization is money, which has no emotional or moral compass.